KIRO Coach

Youth &

I'm Oyin

I struggled with my self esteem as a teenager, and had to deal with a lot more issues than most teenager do. Thankfully, I was able to do practical things to navigate that season of my life.

Having successfully navigated my turbulent teenage years, I became passionate about helping young people become best versions of themselves.

I also work with parents to navigate the challenges of parenting. Having worked with young people for over 20 years and having teenagers of my own, I know raising kids is not a walk in the park. No one really hands us a manual on how to raise these kids. Well, I want to help you start the parenting journey early. 

I work with parents with children as little as 2 up until the teen years. You don’t have to navigate this on your own. Let me help.

What My Clients Say...


1-2-1 Youth Coaching

I work with young people from age 13 – 30. Helping them discover and maximize their potential, thereby becoming the best version of themselves. 

This could cover so many different areas; academic, self esteem, sports, motivation, . .

Group Youth Coaching

The group coaching is themed and focuses on young people within similar age brackets and needs.

The group coaching can be very valuable in motivating individuals as the group dynamic serves as a great . . .

1-2-1 Parent Coaching

Parenting can be a tough job, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. I have found that if you get intentional about parenting from as early as your kids are 2, it makes the teenage years a lot easier to navigate. . .


Group Parent Coaching

Even though every child is different, similar parenting principle apply.

The group coaching brings together parents from different background and style, but who have the same desire – to raise great kids. Our group sessions. .

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